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小学英语作文:我的小乌龟(My little Turtles)

来源::未知 | 作者:篮球比分直播_篮球竞彩网-球探体育 | 本文已影响
    Do you like turtles? If you think turtles are ugly. You are wrong. Exactly turtles are cute animals.

    In my house, you can see many big turtles. Their names are: little yellow, little black and little green. They look likes three big stones. They are so young. And they are all just 5 years old.

 My turtles like to eat fish, and meat. And they like to sleep too. When they are sleeping, they look like little planes.

    Now cute they are! Don’t you think so?

    Remember I am Lily, a lovely girl .With many turtle friends.
